Little Cute Girl In Witch Costume Holding Jack o lantern Pumpkin

What Dentists Give Out for Halloween

Happy Halloween! For dentists, this holiday is not only scary because of ghosts, goblins, and zombies, but because of the amount of candy that is consumed. While noshing on a sweet treat is okay in moderation, eating too much candy can lead to tooth decay and cavities. So, what do dentists give out for Halloween? See what we’ve got in our witches’ cauldrons to share with trick-or-treaters.

Dentists aren’t anti-candy, but we do know which candy is better for your dental health. Hard, gummy, and sour candies often leave a residue on the teeth which can cause bacteria to grow in the mouth. Since chocolate is softer, it washes off the teeth more easily, and is the preferred candy choice of dentists.

Sugar-Free Candy
Some dentists give out sugar-free gum or candy to kids for Halloween. Kids may be surprised to find out that the sugar-free version of their favorite candy isn’t half-bad, leaving the door open for parents to buy sugar-free versions of the candy in the future.

Crunchy Snacks
Pretzels and popcorn, which contain less sugar than candy, are also popular Halloween treats among dentists. A plus for parents, these can also be sent to school so your child can enjoy their Halloween treat at lunch or for a snack.

Small Toys
Many dentists choose to give out stickers, bubbles, bouncy balls, pencils, and the like trick-or-treaters in the neighborhood. Fake zombie teeth are also very popular, as you can imagine!

Water that contains fluoride prevents tooth decay and cavities, both of which are key concerns during the Halloween season. Encourage your kids to take the bottle of water and make sure they drink it at home while munching on their Halloween loot.

Of course, dentists also hand out toothbrushes on Halloween! Toothbrushes should be used for three to four months before switching to a new one, so it’s always helpful to have a new one on hand.

Remember to brush and floss after eating candy to keep your teeth healthy and clean, and don’t forget to schedule your twice-a-year teeth cleaning. Schedule an appointment online today or call us at 757-609-3510.