Fall in Love with Your Smile

February is the month of love, centered around Valentine’s Day and loved ones. This year, however, we want to focus on loving yourself – and your smile! Smiles are important for first impressions, making someone happy, and even for your…

Start Fresh in 2018

Building healthy habits takes time, and is often difficult when our old routine is embedded from years of practice. This is one reason New Year’s resolutions are so popular – we use the new year as an official marker to completely change…

The Effects of Stress on Teeth

The holiday season can be the most stressful time of the year for many people, particularly those busy wrapping up projects before the new year at work and organizing family travel and gatherings. We all know that stress can have certain effects…

Foods That Can Stain Teeth

Teeth whitening has been extremely popular for some time now, with more and more people looking for ways to keep their smile from yellowing. Having white teeth can brighten up any smile, and there are tricks ranging from drugstore whitening…

Take The Scare Out Of Your Dental Routine

October is here and though we have the spookiest holiday of the year coming up, nothing is scarier than a dental routine that isn’t helping your teeth. A routine that misses steps or isn’t getting the reach you need can create a nightmare…

Your Toothbrush Shopping Guide

Toothbrushes typically need to be replaced every three months, and it can be pretty intimidating staring at the wall of options available in most grocery stores. Each package claims different benefits: a tongue scrubber, a smaller bristle head,…

Back To School

Going back to school means many different things for kids, parents, and teachers. Now that it is August, it’s time to think about any dental visits you might need before the busy school season starts! Parents: We know you want your kids…

Mid-Year Check In!

We are about half-way through the year and by this time, most people have abandoned their New Year's resolutions. If you're one of those people, you're not alone. The good news is that you still have about 6 months to make good on those resolutions…

How to Get the Most Out of a Dental Visit

While we here at Vacendak Dentistry try our best to make going to the dentist a pleasant experience for our patients, we understand that it can still feel like a chore. Many people see dental visits as necessary evils. If you are one of those…

Why Are Dental X-Rays Necessary?

Dental care is "whole body" care. The health of your teeth and jaw impact your overall health, so dentists do everything we can to prevent and diagnose potential issues before they become obvious and painful. Dental X-Rays are one tool we…

The Relationship Between Dental Phobia and Tooth Decay

Fear of the dentist, technically known as odontophobia or dentophobia, is one of the most common fears of people of all ages. Just the thought of walking in the door of the dental office is enough to make some quake in their boots. Whether they've…

Do I REALLY Need a Dental Check Up Every 6 Months?

Answer: If it's been more than six months or you've experienced any oral pain, then yes! Too many people assume that if their teeth look and feel ok, routine dental appointments are less important. The generally recommended twice-yearly dental…