Even More Dental Health Myths!
This week we continue our dental health myth series. You may recall the first of two dental “myths” that are commonly misunderstood as facts: 1) It doesn’t matter if I get calcium from my food or from supplements–it’s all the same. 2) Everyone needs dentures at some point. (Read that post to debunk those myths). Here are two more tooth-related misconceptions to address and correct. Continued from “Dental Health Myths“:
Myth #3 Infant Teeth Don’t Need Brushing
Because infants have so few teeth, many people assume that those tiny teeth don’t need the same care as older children and adult teeth. This is a huge misconception that can lead to problems throughout a child’s lifetime. A parent should start “brushing” baby teeth as soon as the first one appears (usually around 4 months). At this stage, simply use a wet piece of gauze to wipe the plaque off of the teeth (or tooth) and gums. When the infant gets a little older and has a few more teeth, start using a soft bristled toothbrush made for babies and a tiny dot of toothpaste. Try to brush their teeth twice a day. This will help establish good future oral hygiene habits.
Myth #4 White Teeth Mean Healthy Teeth
When you think of a healthy, beautiful smile, what picture comes to mind? If you’re like most people, you see bright white teeth! While white teeth are attractive, they don’t necessarily signify a healthy mouth. If you’ve whitened your teeth either with an at-home whitening kit or professionally at the dentist’s office, you still need to pay attention to the heath of your gums. Gums should be a light pink color and should never be painful. Gum, disease can ultimately cause tooth loss, and your dentist should check your gums each visit.
Call Vacendak Dentistry at 757-609-3510 for quality dental care in a comfortable environment. Our dentists take the time to answer your questions and address your concerns.