Dr. Sheila Vacendak to Attend Staffileno Head and Neck Cancer Symposium in Chicago, IL

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Next Friday, January 17, 2014, Dr. Sheila Vacendak is attending the Staffileno Head and Neck Cancer Symposium: The Essential Role of the Dental Professional in Chicago, IL. This symposium will feature educational sessions on all aspects of…

Early Detection of Oral Cancer is the Best Defense

Dedicated to Your Overall Health Just as the amount of confidence you have in your smile affects the way you live your life, the health of your smile affects the health of your whole body.  At Vacendak Dentistry, we look at more than just…

Stop Teeth Grinding Today: The Trials, Tribulations and Treatments of Bruxism

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Dental bruxism, also known as teeth grinding, is a common dental problem that results from stress, misaligned teeth, and/or an adverse reaction to certain antidepressant medications. Bruxism is most common in women between 20 and 40 years of…

Welcome to Our New Website

We are SO excited to debut our brand new website. We hope that you find it informative, easy to navigate, and representative of who we are here at Vacendak Dentistry. Be sure to check back soon for dental care tips, news and office updates! Oh…