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6 Important Benefits of Regular Cleanings

Have your teeth been cleaned by a dentist or hygienist this year? We know it’s difficult to find the perfect time during the pandemic, but it’s still important (if not more so) to maintain regular check-ups for you and your family. 

That’s because professional dental cleanings aren’t just for keeping your smile bright; they have a significant impact on your long-term oral health. Tooth decay, gum disease and several chronic oral issues all take root with insufficient regular habits. Brushing and flossing at home are essential but regular check-ups with your dentist ensures your teeth are thoroughly cleaned and any needed preventative measures are taken. That way, no one in your family ends up with a bigger or riskier issue during this time.

So, here are five reasons professional cleanings are so important

  1. Your dental hygienist removes surface blemishes that you can’t remove with at-home brushing. You’ll be left with a brighter smile while preventing long-term stains. 
  2. Regular teeth cleaning prevents one of the biggest contributors to early tooth loss – gum disease.
  3. In America alone, one person dies from oral cancer every hour. Many of these cancers are curable if detected at an early stage during routine cleanings and exams.
  4. During a dental cleaning, your dentist will detect early signs of problems such as cavities, broken fillings and fractures!
  5. Many dental plans cover cleanings but not more invasive surgeries. You’ll save money on dental expenses in the long run by taking advantage of your policy and scheduling a cleaning today!
  6. Regular check-ups and dental cleanings help prevent and resolve persistent bad breath.

Professional dental cleanings give your dentist or hygienist an opportunity to compare the state of your oral health to that of previous visits. If you’re moving in the wrong direction, immediate intervention prevents bigger problems from occurring. Call the team at Vacendak Dentistry to schedule your dental cleaning and get back on track, today! Please note, even if you don’t need an appointment for several months, it’s a good idea to get on the calendar now, as our COVID restrictions may limit short-term appointment availability.